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Fertility services at Mater Mothers’ Hospitals

Mater Mothers’ Hospitals provides a range of fertility services for women and couples. Most couples will initially be seen in the Preconception Clinic and then the Fertility Assessment Clinic.

Preconception Care Service

The Preconception Care Service assists couples who are planning a pregnancy to optimise their own health so they may have a healthy pregnancy. A GP referral is required for this service. Please fax the referral directly to Mater Referral Centre on fax number 07 3163 8548. This referral must be addressed to Gynaecology, Dr Sarah Janssens or Dr Emma Paterson.

At the consultation couples will:

  • undergo a thorough assessment of their health and lifestyle
  • be given information on ways to improve their own health prior to conceiving
  • consult with an Obstetrician/Gynaecologist to address specific health conditions that might affect a pregnancy

This consultation and any investigations performed through Mater Health Services are bulk-billed.

Fertility Assessment Clinic

The Fertility Assessment Clinic offers specialised care to couples experiencing subfertility and/or recurrent miscarriages. This service aims to provide couples with information, and to improve their combined fertility. Specialised medical and surgical care is provided for those who require this.

A GP referral is required for this clinic. Please fax the referral directly to Mater Referral Centre on fax number 07 3163 8548. Please address the referral to Gynaecology, Dr Sarah Janssens or Dr Emma Paterson. Clients will be assessed by experienced doctors and midwives. Clients will have the opportunity to receive:

  • formal instruction in fertility awareness and cycle charting
  • fertility focused investigations
  • medical management and referral for surgery, as required.

This consultation and any investigations performed through Mater Health Services are bulk-billed. There will be some costs associated for consumable items, fertility awareness education and investigations performed by agencies external to Mater.

While Mater Mothers’ Hospitals do not offer ART/IVF services, the Fertility Assessment Clinic has a particular interest in investigating the value of other therapies to assist couples to conceive.

Natural Fertility Services

Fertility is a normal and healthy part of life—something to be appreciated and valued. Many women and couples are looking for a natural method of achieving or avoiding pregnancy that will help them to recognise their fertile and infertile phases and better understand their bodies.

Natural Fertility Services teaches the Sympto-Thermal Method of fertility awareness, this method is a natural, simple to use, effective, scientifically-based method of fertility awareness. It empowers couples to take control of their reproductive health. Accredited educators provide instruction and on-going support to those couples using the Sympto-Thermal Method to achieve or avoid a pregnancy.

In addition, Natural Fertility Services are also available to address other women’s health issues such as premenstrual and peri-menopausal symptom relief.

Contact us

Fertility Services
Mater Mothers’ Hospitals
Level 7
Raymond Terrace
South Brisbane, Queensland, 4101

Phone: 07 3163 2143
Fax: 07 3163 8768 
Email: naturalfertility@mater.org.au

© 2011 Mater Misericordiae Ltd. ACN 096 708 922

Mater acknowledges consumer consultation in the development of this patient information.
Mater Doc Num: PI-CLN-430112
Last modified 15/6/2023.
Consumers were consulted in the development of this patient information.
Last consumer engagement date: 18/1/2014
For further translated health information, you can visit healthtranslations.vic.gov.au/ supported by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services that offers a range of patient information in multiple languages.
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