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Mater Hospitals
Mater Children's Private Brisbane
Mater Hospital Brisbane
Mater Mothers' Hospital
Mater Mothers' Private Brisbane
Mater Mothers' Private Redland
Mater Private Hospital Brisbane
Mater Private Hospital Redland
Mater Private Hospital Springfield
Mater Centres and Communities
General Information
Mater Cancer Care Centre
Mater Centre for Neurosciences
Mater Education
Mater Health and Wellness
Mater Pharmacy
Mater Private Breast Cancer Centre
Mater SafeQuest
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Site Map
General Information
Important instructions to follow after receiving anaesthesia
Mater at Home
Pastoral Care for the whole person
Patient Charter
The Responsible Person
Understanding and managing acute pain
Your guide to parking at Mater
Mater Cancer Care Centre
A guide for patients, families and carers
Patient chemotherapy education video
Patient Transportation and Parking
Mater Neurosciences Centre
About Mater Neurosciences Centre
Mater Children's Private Brisbane
Cautery of Inferior Turbinates (CIT)
Clubfoot Service
Fasting instructions
Fractured forearm
Fractured leg
General surgical procedure
Head injury
Helpful information for your child's stay
Hip spica (baby)
Inguinal Hernia
Minor orthopedic procedures
Plyoric stenosis
Supracondylar fracture
Umbilical hernia
Willets Procedure
Mater Education
Mater Education
Mater Health and Wellness
Mater Hospital Brisbane
Abdominoperineal resection/total colectomy with proctectomy
Bone Marrow Aspirate and Biopsy
Breast Cancer and Mastectomy
Breast Cancer and Wide Excision
Breast Check
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Colonoscopy: GlycoPrep-O® bowel preparation (standard)
Colonoscopy: GlycoPrep-O® Kit bowel preparation (Extended)
Colonoscopy: PicoPrep® bowel preparation
Enhanced Recovery Fasting Procedure
Flexible cystoscopy
Following the death of a loved one
Ganglion surgery
High Tibial Osteotomy
Hip fracture
How to use mini-dose glucagon to increase low blood glucose levels during sick day management
Intensive Care Unit
Kidney stone prevention
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Liver biopsy
Mater Outpatient Telehealth
Nasal surgery
Orthopaedic physiotherapy screening clinic
OzDAFNE: A program for people with type 1 diabetes
Radical prostatectomy
Recovering from abdominal surgery: Advice from your physiotherapist
Risk Feeding
Shoulder Reconstruction
Shoulder Replacement
Social Work Services
Telehealth Appointment Instructions - Desktop or Laptop
Telehealth Appointment Instructions - Tablet or Smart Phone
Total hip replacement
Total knee replacement
TRAM Flap and DIEP Flap Repair
Trans-rectal ultrasound and prostate biopsy
Trans-urethral resection of the prostate (TURP)
Trigger Finger Surgery
Ureteric Stent
Ureteroscopy and Lithoclast
Your guide to staying safe while in hospital
Mater Mothers' Hospital
Your new pregnancy after your baby has died
Your guide to staying safe while in hospital
Women's healthcare in a Catholic Hospital
Women’s health—trial of void
Women’s health—prolapse
Women’s health—ovarian cysts
Women’s health—laparotomy
Women’s health—laparoscopy
Women’s health—Interstitial cystitis and painful bladder syndrome
Women’s health—hysteroscopy
Women’s health—hysterectomy
Women’s health—fibroids
Women’s health—endometriosis
Women’s health—chronic pelvic pain
Vitamin K and your baby
Vitamin D deficiency
Visitor information for partners and support persons
Vaccination recommendations during pregnancy
Uterine Fibroid Embolisation or Uterine Artery Embolisation (UAE)
Ultrasound scan—your 18 to 20 week scan
Ultrasound scan—inconclusive result
Ultrasound scan—fetal growth scan
Twin to twin transfusion syndrome
Thumb and wrist pain
Threatened preterm labour
The Mater Centre for Maternal Fetal Medicine
Testing for Down syndrome and other chromosome abnormalities
Support people and doulas for women during labour
Stress urinary incontinence
Sterile water injections for relief of back pain in labour
Social Work Services
Smoking, alcohol and drug use during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Sleeping babies safely
Skin-to-skin care for babies
Skin to skin therapy for NCCU babies
Shoulder dystocia
Safety and security for your new baby
Safer Baby Bundle
Reducing your baby’s pain during invasive tests or procedures
Reducing avoidable third and fourth degree tears
Recovering from third and fourth degree perineal tears
Pulse oximetry screening of newborn babies
Preterm pre-labour rupture of membranes
Preparing for pregnancy—planning ahead
Pregnancy—your baby's movements and what they mean
Pregnancy—term pre labour rupture of membranes
Pregnancy—refugee maternity service
Pregnancy—iron deficiency anaemia
Pregnancy—information for women and families
Pregnancy—high blood pressure
Pregnancy—having your baby at Mater Mothers' Hospital
Pregnancy—Carpal tunnel syndrome
Pregnancy Assessment Centre
Postpartum haemorrhage
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Perineal massage
Pastoral Care services
Paced Bottle Feeding
Newborn screening test
Neonatal Critical Care Unit
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Morning sickness and hyperemesis
Monitoring your blood pressure at home
Molar pregnancy
Midwifery Group Practice
Mater Mothers’ Parenting Support Centre
Mater Mothers' first aid for babies
Labour and birth—warm water immersion and water birth
Labour and birth—third stage
Labour and birth—cord clamping
Labour and birth information
Induction of labour
Hypoglycaemia in newborn babies
Hope—a resource booklet for bereaved parents
Home for our patients earlier – HOPE program for NCCU babies
HIV and pregnancy
Herpes and pregnancy
Hepatitis B and C during pregnancy
Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
Head ultrasound scans on babies in the Neonatal Critical Care Unit
Group B streptococcus and pregnancy
Formula feeding
Fertility services at Mater Mothers’ Hospitals
External cephalic version
Endometrial ablation
Ectopic pregnancy
Early pregnancy loss—sensitive care at a difficult time
Cord prolapse—your questions answered
Colposcopy results—what are the next steps?
Chronic Neonatal Lung Disease
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis
Caesarean birth
Breech presentation at term
Breastfeeding—managing breast refusal
Breastfeeding—managing biting
Breastfeeding—how to know when your baby is ready to feed
Breastfeeding—how to know if your baby is getting enough breast milk
Breastfeeding, expressing and taking your preterm baby home from Neonatal Critical Care Unit
Breastfeeding support at Mater Mothers' Hospital
Breastfeeding policy
Birth options after a previous caesarean section
Bereavement Support Program
Before and After - A Physiotherapy guide to pregnancy, birth and beyond
Baby—retinopathy of prematurity
Baby—kidney pelvis dilatation
Baby—jaundice and phototherapy
Babies requiring blood transfusion
Autopsy—Information for parents
Assisted vaginal birth
Antidepressant medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Antibiotics for newborn babies
Antepartum haemorrhage
Antenatal, postnatal and women's health
Antenatal expression of colostrum
After birth—planning postnatal appointments with your GP
After birth—family planning decisions
After birth—care of your new baby
After birth—care of the new mother
After birth—bladder assessment
Mater Mothers' Private Brisbane
Your guide to staying safe while in hospital
Women's healthcare in a Catholic Hospital
Women's health - prolapse
Women’s health—chronic pelvic pain
Vitamin K and your baby
Vitamin D deficiency
Visitor information for partners and support persons – Mater Mothers’ Private Brisbane
Vaccination recommendations during pregnancy
Ultrasound scan-your 18 to 20 week scan
Ultrasound scan—inconclusive result
Ultrasound scan—fetal growth scan
Twin to twin transfusion syndrome
Thumb and wrist pain
Threatened preterm labour
The Mater Centre for Maternal Fetal Medicine
Testing for Down syndrome and other chromosome abnormalities
Support people and doulas for women during labour
Stress urinary incontinence
Sterile water injections for relief of back pain in labour
Social Work Services
Smoking, alcohol and drug use during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Sleeping babies safely
Skin-to-skin care for babies
Shoulder dystocia
Safety and security for your new baby
Reducing your baby’s pain during invasive tests or procedures
Recovering from third and fourth degree perineal tears
Pulse oximetry screening of newborn babies
Preterm pre-labour rupture of membranes
Preparing for pregnancy—planning ahead
Pregnancy—your baby’s movements and what they mean
Pregnancy—iron deficiency anaemia
Pregnancy—information for women and families
Pregnancy—high blood pressure
Pregnancy—Carpal tunnel syndrome
Pregnancy Assessment Centre
Postpartum haemorrhage
Perineal massage
Pastoral Care services
Pasteurised donor human milk (PDHM)—information for recipient parents
Paced Bottle Feeding
Newborn screening test
Neonatal Critical Care Unit
Morning sickness and hyperemesis
Molar pregnancy
Mater Mothers' Parenting Support Centre
Mater Mothers' first aid for babies
Labour and birth—warm water immersion and water birth
Labour and birth—cord clamping
Labour and birth information
Induction of labour
Hypoglycaemia in newborn babies
HIV and pregnancy
Herpes and pregnancy
Hepatitis B and C during pregnancy
Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
Head ultrasound scans on babies in the Neonatal Critical Care Unit
Having your baby at Mater Mothers' Private Brisbane
Group B streptococcus and pregnancy
Formula feeding
Fertility services at Mater Mothers’ Hospitals
Ectopic pregnancy
Early pregnancy loss—sensitive care at a difficult time
Cord prolapse—your questions answered
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis
Caesarean birth
Breech presentation at term
Breastfeeding—managing breast refusal
Breastfeeding—managing biting
Breastfeeding—how to know when your baby is ready to feed
Breastfeeding—how to know if your baby is getting enough breast milk
Breastfeeding policy
Breastfeeding and your new baby
Birth options after a previous caesarean section
Baby—retinopathy of prematurity
Baby—kidney pelvis dilatation
Baby—jaundice and phototherapy
Baby—intravenous or intramuscular antibiotics
Babies requiring blood transfusion
Autopsy—Information for Parents
Assisted vaginal birth
Antidepressant medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Antepartum haemorrhage
Antenatal expression of colostrum
After birth—care of your new baby
After birth—care of the new mother
After birth—bladder assessment
Mater Mothers' Private Redland
Smoking, alcohol and drug use during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Antenatal education—birthing and babies
Antenatal expression of colostrum
Antidepressant medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Baby—kidney pelvis dilatation
Birth options after a previous caesarean section
Breastfeeding Support Service
Breastfeeding—managing breast refusal
Breech presentation at term
Caesarean birth
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis
Cord prolapse—your questions answered
Diabetes and Pregnancy
Early pregnancy loss—sensitive care at a difficult time
Ectopic pregnancy
Endometrial ablation
Family planning decisions follow the birth of your baby
Formula feeding
Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
High blood pressure in pregnancy
Hypoglycaemia in newborn babies
Induction of labour
Information for parents during pregnancy
Sterile water injections for relief of back pain in labour
Labour and birth information
Assisted vaginal birth
Mater Mothers' first aid for babies
Mater Mothers' Parenting Support Centre
Molar pregnancy
Morning sickness and hyperemesis gravidarum
Newborn Screening Test
Paced Bottle Feeding
Pain relief—oxycodone
Pasteurised donor human milk (PDHM)—information for recipient parents
Perineal massage
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Postpartum haemorrhage
Pregnancy and parenting workshops
Pregnancy—Carpal tunnel syndrome
Pregnancy—iron deficiency anaemia
Preterm pre labour rupture of membranes
Pulse oximetry screening of newborn babies
Recovering from 3rd or 4th degree perineal tears
Reducing your baby’s pain during invasive tests or procedures
Scan result—inconclusive
Shoulder dystocia
Skin-to-skin care for babies
Sleeping babies safely
Stress urinary incontinence
Term pre labour rupture of membranes
Testing for Down syndrome and other chromosome abnormalities
Threatened Preterm Labour
Thumb and wrist pain
Vaccination recommendations during pregnancy
Vitamin D deficiency
Vitamin K and your baby
Women's healthcare in a Catholic Hospital
Your guide to staying safe while in hospital
Mater Pharmacy
About Mater Pharmacy
Antibiotics - Information for patients, carers and visitors
Mater Private Breast Cancer Centre
About Mater Private Breast Cancer Centre
Mastectomy and Breast Cancer Information
Mater Private Breast Cancer Centre
Wide Excision and Breast Cancer Information
Mater Private Hospital Brisbane
Autologous stem cell transplant
Bone Marrow Aspirate and Biopsy
Chemotherapy protocols
Chemotherapy side effects
Early pregnancy loss—sensitive care at a difficult time
Intensive Care Unit
Laparoscopic Appendicectomy
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Liver biopsy
Nasal surgery
Radical Prostatectomy
Radiofrequency ablation of liver tumours
Rehabilitation Unit
Selective internal radiation therapy
Spinal care following surgery
TRAM and DIEP flap repair
Trans-urethral resection of prostate
Ureteric Stent
Vascular access device (PICC line insertion)
Your guide to staying safe while in hospital
Mater Private Hospital Redland
Antepartum Haemorrhage
For GPs — Rehabilitation Service
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Radical prostatectomy
Total hip replacement
Total knee replacement
Your guide to staying safe while in hospital
Mater Private Hospital Springfield
Bone Marrow Aspirate and Biopsy
Colonoscopy: GlycoPrep® Kit bowel preparation
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Patient Services Directory
Radical Prostatectomy
Total Hip Replacement
Total Knee Replacement
Transurethral Resection Prostate
Your guide to staying safe while in hospital
Mater SafeQuest
Falls prevention
Preventing pressure injuries
Staying safe while in hospital
Mater Young Adult Health Centre Brisbane
Amanda Flynn Clinic
Emotional Health Unit
Making healthy choices
Managing your appointments
Managing your medications
Mater Young Adult Diabetes Clinic Preparing for your visit
Mater Young Adult Diabetes Transition Clinic
Mater Young Adult Kidney Transplant Clinic
Recovery College
You and your General Practitioner
Young Adult Endocrine Service
Mercy. Dignity. Care. Commitment. Quality
Contact Details
Emergencies Enquiries
07 3163 8111
Hospitals and Department contacts
Mater Hospital Websites
Mater Children's Private Brisbane
Mater Hospital Brisbane
Mater Mothers' Hospital
Mater Mothers' Private Brisbane
Mater Mothers' Private Redland
Mater Private Hospital Brisbane
Mater Private Hospital Redland
Mater Private Hospital Springfield
Other Mater Sites
Mater Education
Mater Foundation
Mater Health
Mater Mothers
Mater Online
Mater Pathology
Mater Pharmacy
Mater Research
Mater Health Services
Corporate Website
Annual Reviews
Patient Rights and Responsibilities
Contacts / Links