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Young Adult Endocrine Service

About Mater Young Adult Health Centre Brisbane

The Mater Young Adult Health Centre provides exceptional patient centred care to adolescents and young adults 16 to 25 years through dedicated inpatient and outpatient services. It delivers the highest standards of clinical care and provides programs for adolescents and young adults to address their emotional, social and educational needs. Conveniently located in the Mater Salmon Building on Stanley Street, the facility is easily accessible by both bus and rail services, and sits between the Mater Hospital Brisbane and Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital (LCCH).

Young Adult Endocrine Service

The Mater Young Adult Endocrine service provides specialised endocrine care to adolescents and young adults. Moving to young adult and adult care is a major step and the thought of changing doctors can be daunting. Our Endocrine Clinic aims to support the transition of your care from your previous service provider to the Mater Young Adult Health Centre Brisbane. At these appointments you will be seen by the doctor and an endocrine nurse. If required, we also have a dedicated young adult support unit to promote emotional health (by internal referral only). By the time you are ready to move on from paediatric care you may be feeling more confident about making decisions about your health care.

We do however recognise that becoming a young adult is a journey and that parents have often become experts in your care, and have effectively advocated for you over many years. We are also aware that becoming a young adult can be stressful and that this can often cause conflict with parents during this time. Hence we want to work out with you and your family—what works best for you in terms of making the journey towards full adulthood.

The Endocrine team at Mater will support you and your family as you develop decision making skills and work towards taking responsibility for your health care. This shall be discussed with you at your first consultation.

We want you to feel comfortable about communicating openly with your endocrine team. If something is important to you it is important to us! Here are a few pointers to help you get the most out of your appointment:

  • ask questions
  • if you do not understand something ask us to explain it to you again
  • if you need help with something please ask
  • tell us what you think—being honest with us is best
  • write down what your endocrine team tells you
  • phone or email the team if you have questions in between appointments
  • bring someone with you for support and to help you remember what was said
  • ask your parent/s to wait outside the room if you want to discuss a personal matter.

What will happen at clinic:

A dedicated team of healthcare professionals aim to provide the highest standard of clinical care while supporting your emotional, social and educational needs. You will be seen by our endocrine team to help you safely manage your condition.

The Endocrinologist and / or Senior Registrar will review your general health and care. They may offer suggestions on how to achieve your health goals and co-ordinate your care with your GP and other members of the team.

The Clinical Nurse Educator will provide you with information and support on the day to day management of your condition. The Educator will assist you with self-management techniques, as well as demonstrate and discuss resources and tools to support your lifestyle.

Young Adult Support Unit personnel can help you cope with your daily experience. This may include exploring your personal struggles with your endocrine condition and developing strategies to cope with these. Our Young Adult support personnel can also help with stress and anxiety management, depression or relationship conflict.

At Mater Young Adult Health Centre Brisbane you can expect that the endocrine healthcare provided will reflect Mater’s values of Mercy, Dignity, Care, Commitment and Quality.

We will:

  • take you seriously and treat you in a respectful manner
  • provide you with clear information and explain to you what is happening so that you understand
  • involve you in decisions regarding your endocrine management, including your treatment options
  • include family or a friend in appointments if that is what you want
  • give you the chance to ask questions about things that are important to you
  • respect your privacy and confidentiality
  • let you know how to access your medical record and make sense of it
  • let you know how to provide feedback, make a compliment or complaint.

Can’t make your appointment?

We know that life gets busy but if you are not able to keep your appointment please contact us to reschedule by phoning 07 3163 2500.

For more information

For more information visit: http://www.mater.org.au/Home/Services/Queensland-Diabetes-Centre

Mater acknowledges consumer consultation in the development of this patient information.
Mater Doc Num: PI-CLN-420129
Last modified 25/9/2019.
Consumers were consulted in the development of this patient information.
Last consumer engagement date: 01/3/2017
For further translated health information, you can visit healthtranslations.vic.gov.au/ supported by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services that offers a range of patient information in multiple languages.
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Mercy. Dignity. Care. Commitment. Quality