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Recovery College

Our Recovery College provides a therapeutic framework for young people to develop skills that will help improve emotional wellbeing. All of the modules we offer are run by trained and skilled mental health clinicians from all different backgrounds and co designed by young people with real life experience.
You can be certain that the information you are receiving is relevant, evidence based and effective.

The Recovery College is the first of its kind in Queensland with a focus on assisting young adults to improve their emotional wellbeing. Even though these concepts are relatively new, there are well-established programs based on similar ideas already being offered internationally and interstate.

Key differences


One of the key differences between what our Recovery College can offer, as opposed to a traditional mental health day program, is that you don’t attend a ‘generic’ group program where some of the information relates to your situation and some doesn’t. You get to choose and complete just
the training modules that relate specifically to you and what is happening for you. This may mean completing one module or several over a period of time.

Our aim is to help you develop the relevant skills and information to help you on your own personal
road to recovery.

What to expect

We have a entry level training module for young adults who are attending the Recovery College which is called This is My Recovery and the completion of this is recommended before progressing to more specific training modules.
The cost of attending our modules is minimal to you. Most of the private health funds will cover the
cost of each training module and if you don’t have private health insurance, you can pay a fee to
attend modules that are of interest to you.

Each training module is different but below is a summary about what you can expect at our Recovery College:

  • most single modules go for about one to three hours each
  • modules will be made up of different activities that are engaging and make your learning easier. There is nothing more boring than just sitting there while someone talks at you!
  • the modules are designed so that groups of people who need to learn about similar things can learn together, so this means that we have:
    • modules just for young adults (this is what most modules will be)
    • modules that are just for other people (e.g. family members, significant others or some health professionals)
  • and just like any training, you will receive a certificate of completion at the end of each training module.

To get in contact with us about the Recovery College or any other programs that are offered by the Emotional Health Unit, please contact our team on: 07 3163 6102 or visit mater.org.au/emotionalhealthunit

Mater acknowledges consumer consultation in the development of this patient information.
Mater Doc Num: PI-CLN-420121
Last modified 14/6/2019.
Consumers were consulted in the development of this patient information.
Last consumer engagement date: 08/5/2019
For further translated health information, you can visit healthtranslations.vic.gov.au/ supported by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services that offers a range of patient information in multiple languages.
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