Mater Mothers’ Hospitals are renowned for providing high quality maternity services for women and families across Queensland, and beyond. Mater Mothers’ Hospital at Mater Hill in South Brisbane offers services for women and families who do not have health insurance. These services are provided in partnership with the Queensland Government to ensure a high level, integrated tertiary service for women and babies which includes... [Read More]
This brochure explains the benefits of Kangaroo Mother Care for you and your baby.
There is a significant amount of research that supports mothers and babies being together skin-to-skin immediately after birth.
Ensure that anybody who cares for your baby uses the safe sleeping guidelines when settling your baby to sleep.
Consuming alcohol during pregnancy and breastfeeding can harm your baby.
Pregnancy, birthing and parenting a baby can be a wonderful experience, there can also be lots of changes, mixed emotions, stresses.
Many women will experience back pain in labour.
Many women involuntarily leak small amounts of urine. When leaks become frequent this is called urinary incontinence.
Mater Health supports women in their choice to have support people including a doula.
Looking for signs that a baby may be at risk of having a chromosome abnormality.
The Mater Centre for Maternal Fetal Medicine provides care for women with complex pregnancies.
Premature labour is the onset of labour between 24 and 37 weeks of pregnancy.
The covering of the tendons on the thumb side of the wrist becomes inflamed or swollen, restricting the tendons' movement.
Tongue-tie (ankyloglossia) is a condition in which the bottom of the tongue is anchored to the floor of the mouth.
Information about Twin to twin transfusion syndrome and its causes.
Information on why you may have been referred for a growth scan.
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