Early pregnancy loss—sensitive care at a difficult time
Early pregnancy loss
We would like to express our sincere sympathy to you and your family.
The below includes a range of information that may be of use to you and your family and friends. It is intended to guide you through some of the decisions and emotions you may be feeling at this time.
Grieving for your baby
It is usually difficult to give a definite answer as to what caused a miscarriage. You and your partner may blame yourselves for a miscarriage, but it is very seldom anything you have done, or not done, that caused the loss. At least two-thirds of all miscarriages occur because of a random chromosome abnormality. This is usually a chance occurrence and does not necessarily mean that there are any problems with the ovum and sperm, or the chromosomes of the parents.
The loss of a baby can be traumatic at any stage of pregnancy. Your unique circumstances will have an influence on what this baby means for you. Often parents who have experienced an early pregnancy loss feel isolated and lonely particularly when many others around them are having babies. Any resentment that you may feel is very common, these feelings are normal. It is important to acknowledge and accept your feelings and experience, as a part of the grieving process.
Partners are likely to feel upset because of your distress, as well as for the loss of their baby. You may be able to support each other and may even feel that this experience has brought you closer together. However, grief can put a strain on even the closest relationships. Just when you need each other most, it may be difficult to offer each other support. You and your partner may both be upset but in different ways or at different times. For example, one of you might want to talk, the other may want silence or simply find it hard to express feelings. One of you may want to try for another pregnancy as soon as possible, but the other may want to wait, perhaps for some time. Your partner may feel guilty because you are the one who has experienced the physical aspects of miscarriage.
Sometimes partners feel powerless to help and may focus on being emotionally strong for you. The downside is that they may end up feeling isolated, with no-one to talk to about their feelings. They may also hide their feelings so well that they appear not to care. If you are much more upset than your partner, then they may struggle to understand why life is not back to normal and why it is taking you a long time to come to terms with the loss. This can cause tension and arguments at what is already a difficult and distressing time.
This can leave you feeling lonely and unsupported and it may be even more important to find support from a family member or close friend.
Children often notice when something is wrong, especially if a parent or someone close to them is upset. You may want to think about telling them what has happened, even very simply, especially if they knew you were pregnant. There are brochures and books available to assist you in understanding how children grieve and how to explain what has happened. Our bereavement midwives and the pastoral care team are also available to provide you with support and guidance with how to approach the conversation.
What happens to your baby now?
Performing tests and looking for a cause
The team caring for you will discuss the types of tests that can be offered to help determine the reason for the pregnancy loss. It is your choice as to whether you would like these tests completed. Unfortunately sometimes a reason for your loss cannot be determined.
If your loss occurs before 12 weeks there may only be a small amount to be seen or examined. It is not usually possible to identify a baby. Most of the tissue is immature placenta. After 12 weeks your baby may be more identifiable and usually the pathologist only examines the placenta. Rarely, however, the pathologist may suggest that we discuss with you the benefits of examining the baby more closely by performing an autopsy.
All babies and pregnancy tissue will be treated with the reverence and dignity required by the philosophy and Mission of Mater and the Sisters of Mercy. The team caring for you will discuss the types of tests that can be offered to help determine the reason for the pregnancy loss.
Cremation and burial
Many parents want to know what happens to their baby's remains after a miscarriage. Mater arranges a collective cremation for all babies who died in early pregnancy unless otherwise notified by parents. Your babies' ashes are then placed in a especially reserved memorial garden located away from the hospital at Eco Memorial Park, 21 Quinns Hill Road West, Stapylton. Please be aware that we cannot give you any indication of the timing for internment of ashes. We invite you to visit the garden at any time.
However, if you choose to have your own private ceremony or burial (this is not a legal requirement if your baby is less than 20 weeks gestation) please contact our Pregnancy Assessment Centre (PAC) within 28 days of your miscarriage to arrange collection of your baby.
Ph: 07 3163 6621
Email: mmh.bereavement.support@mater.org.au
Remembering your baby
Creating memories
During your stay in hospital our healthcare professionals will journey alongside and provide support when families are faced with the devastating loss of a baby. They understand that you may feel vulnerable, alone or be in a state of shock. As health professionals they recognise that families are often too distressed to make decisions. Their care is personal and confidential, providing you with the support necessary in time of grief and loss. It is during this process that a bereavement midwife; social worker or pastoral carer can visit and provide a ‘memory box’ to assist you in creating memories. Parents can find meaning and purpose in their own way valuing the memory of their baby. These memories can be created through options of having a naming or blessing ceremony and be provided with a certificate that commemorates their baby.
Establishing memories can be a way where you can continue to have a tangible connection with your baby that can be part of an ongoing healing process and acknowledgment that your baby will always be loved and remembered. Thereby, loving memories are indelibly imprinted upon your hearts and minds.
You may find comfort in having a blessing said for your baby (and for you). Please let us know if this is important to you and we will arrange this for you.
Memorial service
There is value in rituals when acknowledging the death of a baby. Rituals also recognise the loss of your hopes and dreams for a wanted pregnancy. Mater offers services of remembrance twice per year. These services are open to women and their families who have experienced a pregnancy loss.
Service of remembrance
The service is held each year on the third Wednesday in March at 10 am in Mater Chapel, Level 3, Salmon Building, Raymond Terrace, South Brisbane. For further information or to RSVP, please contact Mater's Pastoral Care team via email pastoralcare@mater.org.au or phone 07 3163 6729.
Service of remembrance—International pregnancy loss day
This service is held each year on 15 October at 7 pm, in the Corbett Room in the Whitty Building. For further information or to RSVP, please contact Mater Mothers' Bereavement team.
Ph: 07 3163 3467
Email: mmh.bereavement.support@mater.org.au
Physical care
Blood loss
For the first two to three days after your pregnancy loss, your bleeding may be like a heavy period and will gradually decrease.
Some women will have surgical management. Over the next week the amount will gradually lessen and the colour will change from red to brownish/pink. Spotting can continue for four to six weeks, and a small number of women may see a very small loss for up to twelve weeks. It is normal to experience period like cramps, however if you are soaking a pad more frequently than every 30 minutes or pass any clots, you need to keep these and show your midwife or doctor. If you have a sudden increase in blood loss once you are home you need to see your doctor as soon as possible. Do not go swimming until your bleeding has stopped. Do not use tampons until after your six week check.
It is normal for your breasts to produce milk after you have had a baby, and this still can occur even when you experience a loss. This can be very distressing for mothers to experience the painful and sad reminder of what should have been. Without breast stimulation either via a breast pump or breastfeeding, your breasts may become very tender and hot. This period of discomfort might continue for the first few days but then should improve over time.
Suggestions to help minimise your discomfort and avoid problems:
- Wear a firm fitting bra day and night from the beginning. A sport style bra works well as there are no underwire; they provide good support and are comfortable to wear at night.
- Use breast pads if necessary.
- Drink to your thirst—restricting fluids has no effect on reducing your milk supply.
- Avoid hot water on your breasts and have mild showers.
- Cold compresses applied to your breasts as often as is necessary, will help ease any discomfort. Try using covered gel ice packs or a face washer dipped in a bowl of iced water. Remove when no longer cold.
- Simple analgesia e.g. paracetamol (Panadol) will help ease your discomfort.
The length of time it takes for your breasts to return to normal depends on your milk supply.
On going support
Pregnancy Assessment Centre (PAC)
If you have any concerns about your physical wellbeing, you may present to PAC up to six weeks after your pregnancy loss. After this time, you may see your GP or present to the emergency department of your local hospital if you have any further physical concerns.
Counselling services
It is likely that you will feel sad following your loss. For a small group of women, the sadness seems to grow deeper and deeper, and they are left with feelings that they find difficult to cope with and talk about. This is something which is more than grief and help is needed to get back on track. Please speak to your GP if you feel you may need counselling. You are entitled to Medicare funded counselling by a psychologist due to your miscarriage and your GP can arrange this for you.
Bereavement service
The bereavement team is equipped to guide and help you through the grief of losing your baby. Our bereavement midwives and pastoral care team are skilled at counselling and providing assistance as you come to terms with your loss. The bereavement team will make contact with you to ensure you are managing ok. If you are a private patient, your Obstetrician will be in touch to provide support as well.
Ph: 07 3163 3467
Email: mmh.bereavement.support@mater.org.au
Pastoral care
Mater's Pastoral care team is available to provide spiritual and emotional support. The pastoral care workers are professionals trained in the skills of supportive and person-centred listening. Privacy, confidentiality and the rights of individual choices without discrimination are honoured and respected.
Pastoral care can be contacted Monday to Friday between 7.30 am and 4 pm:
Ph: 07 3840 8111 or (Pastoral Care Department) 07 3163 6729
Website: pastoralcare@mater.org.au
Social work
Experienced social workers can provide supportive counselling while you are in hospital which may assist you in processing your feelings and emotions at this difficult time. Counselling can also provide the opportunity to discuss how the loss of your baby might affect you, your partner and your family both now and in the future. If needed, social workers can also refer you to community resources for further support. You can ask any of the staff who are caring for you to make a referral to a social worker.
Our Mission
In the spirit of the Sisters of Mercy, Mater offers compassionate services to the sick and needy, promotes a holistic approach to healthcare in response to changing community needs and fosters high standards in health-related education and research. Following the example of Christ the healer, we commit ourselves to offering these services to all without discrimination.
Community support
Circle of Hope Support group
This support group is held monthly at Mater Mothers’ Hospitals in South Brisbane for families who have experienced the loss of their baby.
For further details please contact:
Bereavement service: 07 3163 3467
Pastoral care: 07 3163 8958
Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Support Group (Qld) are a volunteer organisation that provides support for parents and families who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal death. You may be asked to leave a telephone message, so please leave your name and number and they will return your call as soon as possible.
Ph: 07 3254 3422 or 1800 228 655 (outside the Brisbane metropolitan area)
Email: sandsqld@powerup.com.au
Website: sands.org.au
Lifeline provides 24 hour access to crisis support services.
Ph: 13 11 14
Website: www.lifeline.org.au
Beyond Blue
Beyond Blue provides support for people suffering from depression and anxiety.
Ph: 1300 22 4636, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Website: beyondblue.org.au
Pregnancy Assessment Unit (open 24 hours)
Level 5, Mater Mothers’ Hospitals
Raymond Terrace, South Brisbane Qld 4101
Ph: 07 3163 5132
Website: matermothers.org.au
Mater acknowledges consumer consultation in the development of this patient information.
Mater Doc Num: PI-CLN-430047
Last modified 12/5/2020.
Consumers were consulted in the development of this patient information.
Last consumer engagement date: 30/3/2020
For further translated health information, you can visit healthtranslations.vic.gov.au/ supported by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services that offers a range of patient information in multiple languages.