Information for Rh (D) negative women
Your baby’s blood type is inherited from you and your baby’s father; therefore, your baby may have a different blood type to you. This is usually not a problem for you or your baby; however, for some women and their babies, these differences are very important. Problems may occur when a mother has an Rh (D) negative blood group and her baby is Rh (D) positive.
RH (D) immunoglobulin (also known as Anti-D) is an antibody injection that can help to prevent your body developing antibodies to your baby’s blood. This will not only help prevent potential harm to your baby during your pregnancy but also help protect babies in future pregnancies.
For comprehensive information for Rh (D) negative women planning a pregnancy, or who are currently pregnant, please view the Australian Red Cross Blood Service and CSL Biotherapies publication: You and your baby: important information for Rh(D) negative women.
Mater acknowledges consumer consultation in the development of this patient information.
Mater Doc Num: PI-CLN-430085
Last modified 10/4/2018.
Consumers were consulted in the development of this patient information.
Last consumer engagement date: 21/10/2015
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