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OzDAFNE: A program for people with type 1 diabetes

What is OzDAFNE?

DAFNE (Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating) is a program run in small groups for adults with type 1 diabetes who inject insulin.

Does it work?

This self-management approach has been run in Australia as OzDAFNE since 2005.

Research has shown that people who completed OzDAFNE:

  • had less severe hypos
  • lowered their HbA1c (if above target)
  • had less diabetes-related distress
  • were less likely to be admitted to hospital with serious complications from being sick (diabetic ketoacidosis).

Why should I come to an OzDAFNE group?

OzDAFNE helps give you the skills to adjust your insulin according to what you eat.

You will learn about:

  • carbohydrate counting
    • how much carbohydrate is in meals and snacks
    • practical sessions on carbohydrate counting
  • insulin dose adjustment
    • checking and changing your longacting insulin dose (if needed)
    • matching your quick-acting insulin to the carbohydrates in foods you eat
    • adjusting your insulin for exercise and above target blood glucose levels
  • managing sick days
  • how to reduce and manage hypos
  • eating out and alcohol
  • exercise.

What does it involve? 

The OzDAFNE course involves:

  • attending a 5 day course (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)
  • measuring and recording your blood glucose levels 4 times per day
  • participating in adult group learning led by two OzDAFNE accredited facilitators.

The OzDAFNE course uses participants' experience from living with type 1 diabetes.

During the week you practise the skills of carbohydrate counting and insulin adjustment with the support of OzDAFNE facilitators and the participants.

By accepting your place in the course you are committing to the following:

  • re-course assessment
  • post-course group reviews at 6 weeks and 6 months
  • blood and urine testing prior to the course and at 12 months post-course assessment
  • blood glucose monitoring 4 times per day, recording and sharing the information in the OzDAFNE tracker sessions with the participants in the group.

The pre-course assessment appointment and group reviews are led by your OzDAFNE facilitator.

After 12 months you will be invited to attend Mater’s twice yearly OzDAFNE graduate evening catch-ups for ongoing peer support.

How do I get started?

How much does it cost?

  • There is no charge to attend the 5 day OzDAFNE course and associated appointments.
  • We can write you a letter, if required, to support your time off work once you have booked in to attend the OzDAFNE course.

What do I need to do?

  • Approval from your Specialist or GP is required for you to attend OzDAFNE. This will then be assessed by our OzDAFNE facilitators to check your suitability for the course.
  • Prior to the course, you will be required to attend a pre-course assessment appointment with the diabetes educator where you will be asked to:
    • answer some questions about your diabetes management
    • complete a questionnaire about your feelings relating to diabetes
    • have a blood test performed (a pathology form will be emailed to you to complete prior to your appointment).
  • The pre-course and post-course assessment, and group reviews at 6 weeks and 6 months, help us to support you with your new OzDAFNE skills.

For more information contact OzDAFNE at Mater on:

Phone: 07 3163 2500
Email: DAFNE@mater.org.au
Website: dafne.org.au

Diabetes Victoria is funded by the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) to administer the OzDAFNE program. NDSS is an initiative of the Australian Government administered by Diabetes Australia.

Mater acknowledges consumer consultation in the development of this patient information.
Mater Doc Num: PI-CLN-420106
Last modified 14/1/2019.
Consumers were consulted in the development of this patient information.
Last consumer engagement date: 31/10/2017
For further translated health information, you can visit healthtranslations.vic.gov.au/ supported by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services that offers a range of patient information in multiple languages.
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