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This document outlines accessibility features, illustrates limitations and provides recommendations for optimal viewing of this Web site.


The minimum supported resolution for this site in visual browsers is 320 × 480 with 16 colours (the site is also navigable in grayscale).

The recommended resolution for viewing this site in visual browsers is 1280 × 1024 in 24bit colour.

Visual Design

This site makes use of the following visual design features:

  • This site uses CSS for visual layout. For optimal viewing, it is recommended that you use a browser with CSS3 support, such as Internet Explorer 9 or better, or Mozilla Firefox. This site has been tested and is functional in Internet Explorer 9 and above and Mozilla Firefox 2.0.
  • This site uses relative font sizes, compatible with the user-specified text size option in visual browsers. The recommended text size for viewing this site in a visual browser is medium or 100%.
  • This site has a semantic mark-up structure, so if your browser or browsing device does not support stylesheets, the content of each page will still be readable and logical.

Standards compliance

Mater Health Services considers standards compliance to be an integral part of creating functional and accessible websites. As a result, the pages on this site adhere to the following standards:

  • All pages on this site adhere to the WCAG. This is based on a determination—many accessibility features can be measured, but many can not. All the pages in this site have been reviewed using the guidelines, and we believe they are all in compliance.
  • All pages on this site are valid XHTML. This is not a determination—a XHTML parser can determine with 100% accuracy whether a page is valid. For example, check this page for validity.
  • All of the style sheets on this site validate as CSS. This is not a determination—a CSS parser can determine with 100% accuracy whether a sheet is valid CSS. For example, you can check the style sheets on this page for CSS validity.
  • All pages on this site use structured semantic markup. <h1> tags are used for the page heading, <h2> tags for main headings, <h3> tags for subheadings, <li> tags for list items, et cetera.


Mercy. Dignity. Care. Commitment. Quality